Yoga is a holistic practice that originated in ancient India and has evolved over thousands of years into a system of physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and practices aimed at cultivating harmony and balance in the body, mind, and spirit. The practice of yoga often begins with asanas, or physical postures, which are designed to strengthen, stretch, and balance the body. There are countless yoga poses, ranging from gentle stretches to more challenging inversions and balances. Pranayama refers to breathing techniques used in yoga to control and regulate the breath. These techniques help to calm the mind, increase energy levels, and promote relaxation. Meditation is a central component of yoga practice, involving the cultivation of mindfulness and awareness through focused attention and concentration. Meditation techniques vary widely and may include guided visualization, mantra repetition, or silent sitting. Yoga encourages present-moment awareness and mindfulness in all aspects of life. By practicing mindfulness on and off the mat, practitioners develop greater clarity, insight, and emotional resilience. These are ethical guidelines or moral principles that serve as the foundation of yoga practice. Yamas (restraints) include principles such as non-violence, truthfulness, and non-attachment, while Niyamas (observances) include principles such as self-discipline, contentment, and self-study. Yoga emphasizes the importance of selfless service or seva as a means of cultivating compassion, empathy, and social responsibility. Many yoga practitioners engage in community service or volunteer work as a way of giving back to others. Yoga is practiced by millions of people around the world for its myriad benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, and balance, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced mental clarity and focus, and greater overall well-being. Whether practiced in a studio, at home, or in nature, yoga offers a transformative journey of self-discovery, self-care, and personal growth.